Ferencz J. Réka

9. juni 2012 til 15. juni 2012


"Painting leads me back to myself; it creates a world in which I can become "I."
There is reality and fantasy in this world, and I move freely between them. Contemporary art gives me this freedom. I allow myself to forget the rules, to break through the limits, and to give myself selflessly to this play. I don't give in. I don't pretend.  I feel the passing flows and the continuity around me, while I desperately search for a more human world. I want to convey a content rich in emotions, well defined by my beliefs. My brush on the canvas conveys my vision; the titles of my paintings give a sense of direction. They help indicate the way to and from my soul. I strongly believe in the deep morality of art and the responsibility of the artist to be true to it."

Ferencz J. Reka
